Not many organizations of any stripe live to see their 60th year, but that's exactly what is in store for Strollers' 2016/2017 season.
We've decided to celebrate those 60 years by producing four plays in our coming season that were previously staged by Strollers. We've a long list of excellent scripts to consider, and we've had quite a few directors pouring through the Strollers' history as they considered what shows they might wish to take on.
We're in the final stage of planning for next season. We're sorry we can't share the names of the plays and the directors selected for them just yet. There's still some backstage work to be done on the season - coordinating all of the dates and the play selection with the Bartell Theatre and with the other "participating theatre companies" (PTC's) of the Bartell, for instance. Also getting contracts for the rights for the selected plays.
So it will be a little while yet till we can share the news. But this much we can share:
The Strollers 2016/17 season will be "retro-spectacular" (a new word coined by our own Matt Korda, but pretty self-explanatory). You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll be entertained.
But most of all, we hope you CELEBRATE with us this achievement - a milestone accomplished through the generous efforts of hundreds and hundreds of talented volunteers over an awesome sixty years.
Meanwhile, here's photo of a show from our 2016 season (Hair). Spoiler Alert: We're not doing Hair next year. We just like this photo, and it certainly expresses the exuberance we're feeling about our future.
We hope to see you at our current production, MISALLIANCE, opening March 4.
And we thank you for sixty years of support.
We've decided to celebrate those 60 years by producing four plays in our coming season that were previously staged by Strollers. We've a long list of excellent scripts to consider, and we've had quite a few directors pouring through the Strollers' history as they considered what shows they might wish to take on.
We're in the final stage of planning for next season. We're sorry we can't share the names of the plays and the directors selected for them just yet. There's still some backstage work to be done on the season - coordinating all of the dates and the play selection with the Bartell Theatre and with the other "participating theatre companies" (PTC's) of the Bartell, for instance. Also getting contracts for the rights for the selected plays.
So it will be a little while yet till we can share the news. But this much we can share:
The Strollers 2016/17 season will be "retro-spectacular" (a new word coined by our own Matt Korda, but pretty self-explanatory). You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll be entertained.
But most of all, we hope you CELEBRATE with us this achievement - a milestone accomplished through the generous efforts of hundreds and hundreds of talented volunteers over an awesome sixty years.
Meanwhile, here's photo of a show from our 2016 season (Hair). Spoiler Alert: We're not doing Hair next year. We just like this photo, and it certainly expresses the exuberance we're feeling about our future.
We hope to see you at our current production, MISALLIANCE, opening March 4.
And we thank you for sixty years of support.