Starting a new theatre company is an act of faith. Or pig-headedness. Or blind ambition. Or all of the above. KRASS (the Kathie Rasmussen Women's Theatre was organized in Madison in 2009. It was founded to produce plays written and directed by women, in an age when women are sadly under-represented in productions as playwrights and as directors. It was named to honor one of Madison's finest female writers - Kathie Rasmussen.
And it has flourished.
Now, KRASS has been welcomed into the Bartell family of theatre companies as a PTC (Participating Theatre Company). With this advance, KRASS can take advantage of many resources shared by other Bartell PTCs (Mercury Theatre, Strollers Theatre, Stage Q, Madison Ballet, and Madison Theatre Guild). KRASS also takes on a host of responsibilities. We think this new partnership will strengthen KRASS while also helping to secure the future success of the other PTCs and of the Bartell Theatre itself.
Please join KRASS for their first production as a Bartell PTC: "Rumors of Truth", by Wisconsin playwright Marcia Jablonski, directed by Sarah Whelan, January 29 - February 6.
And it has flourished.
Now, KRASS has been welcomed into the Bartell family of theatre companies as a PTC (Participating Theatre Company). With this advance, KRASS can take advantage of many resources shared by other Bartell PTCs (Mercury Theatre, Strollers Theatre, Stage Q, Madison Ballet, and Madison Theatre Guild). KRASS also takes on a host of responsibilities. We think this new partnership will strengthen KRASS while also helping to secure the future success of the other PTCs and of the Bartell Theatre itself.
Please join KRASS for their first production as a Bartell PTC: "Rumors of Truth", by Wisconsin playwright Marcia Jablonski, directed by Sarah Whelan, January 29 - February 6.